My sincere apologies to all who on occasion view our blog... I can't seem to find a dang thing to write about at this time in my life, for my mind has succumbed to what all expecting mothers know as "pregnancy brain" in which case a thought you may have been thinking about all day is gone the moment you go to write it down or talk to someone about.
So to ease any doubts that you may have after the first paragraph... yes, we are expecting baby #4! I am about 10 weeks along and feel pretty good, just so dang tired! I don't remember being this tired. I will keep you all updated and feel free to let us know of any "C" or "M" names you can think of. We kind of feel like we are stuck with those since we have done it with Cameron, Madeline and Collin. We know it's a while off still, but you can't help think about it. Mitch's favorite girl names are: Marlee, Megan, and he hum-ho's about my favorite girl name... Meryn (or however we would spell it). I also like Megan, but I don't know if I can do Marlee, it just sounds like someone from Charles Dickens. He says it's a combination of Mitch and Carlie- that makes it more likable! But we can't reall think of any boy names that start with C, that our friends don't already have. Sigh... the joys of parenthood!
I will try to write more soon, and we'll keep you updated on how things are progressing.
Fritos and Quinoa
11 years ago