I took a few pictures today, I've been hesitant to be camera happy because he's going through the "baby acne" stage and it's getting progressively worse. But here is some shots of Creed and the kids. He started out happy, then as you can see, he got cranky pretty quickly...
Creed at one month:
Some tummy time- he usuall loves this and is getting stronger at lifting his head- I just didn't get it on camera.
A close up of our little man
Don't mind the crossed eyes... maybe Cam is squeezing his head???
"I am done with this and I want my mommy!"
"Maybe I didn't make myself clear... I don't want to do this anymore!"
"Oh I give up, torture me with your kisses if you must... but then give me back to my mommy!"
As for me, I am feeling much better and let's keep our fingers crossed that the problems go away for good and life will feel normal again. It is starting too finally, now if I can just get my nerve up to take all the kids out... yikes!