Wednesday, July 23, 2008

He's One Month Old!

Well we've made it one month now and things are looking brighter. Creed has been such a cute little guy (did I say little???) Mitch weighed him on our kitchen scale and he was a whopping 11 and half pounds! Oh boy, we are gonna have another BIG boy! I guess I should stop wondering if he's getting enough to eat from me, but for some reason, that's just what moms do with new babies... please tell me I'm right!
I took a few pictures today, I've been hesitant to be camera happy because he's going through the "baby acne" stage and it's getting progressively worse. But here is some shots of Creed and the kids. He started out happy, then as you can see, he got cranky pretty quickly...

Creed at one month:

Some tummy time- he usuall loves this and is getting stronger at lifting his head- I just didn't get it on camera.

A close up of our little man
Don't mind the crossed eyes... maybe Cam is squeezing his head???
"I am done with this and I want my mommy!"
"Maybe I didn't make myself clear... I don't want to do this anymore!"
"Oh I give up, torture me with your kisses if you must... but then give me back to my mommy!"
As for me, I am feeling much better and let's keep our fingers crossed that the problems go away for good and life will feel normal again. It is starting too finally, now if I can just get my nerve up to take all the kids out... yikes!


Natalie said...

Don't be scared to go out, you're already a pro with 3 kids so 4 will be fine! He looks so cute and healthy, thanks for posting new pictures.

JANEAL said...

Oh I love all his dark hair. Carlie he is sooooo cute! I think I'd be scared to go out with 4 kids...heck I'd be scared to go out with 3!

casa chandler said...

super cute kids pics! they all look so happy with their new little brother.
oh, and saturday's good for me. just let me know what time so i'm somewhat presentable by the time you get here.

Jenn J. said...

He's adorable. I just want to squeeze those cheeks! I can't believe how much all your kids look alike... and of course, just like their daddy. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope it keeps up. Talk to you later!

Miranda said...

Has it really been a month! I think even f he weighed 20 pounds you would still wonder if he is getting enough! Like you said that is just what mom's do. Don't you wish boobs came with measuring cups? He is very cute and your comment about his head being squeezed is hilarious! You are such a nut! I miss you and your personality!

The Wallace Family said...

Carlie Holy Smokes, you where pregnate?! How times flies and life moves on. Congrats on the baby and good luck. 4 is the clencher for me but you family looks so cute. I too was lucky enough to have the repeated epidural attempts and spinal headaches. AWFUL!! I am so sorry. The blood batch is like heaven but even recovering from that not so great. So I am sorry and I hope you are on the upswing of things now.

Amber said...

I love the captions you have with the pictures. They are hilarious! What a cutie!

Grandma Cathi said...

The McClellan Clan is so doggone cute I can't believe it. Heck, I thought Stangers were cute, but Mitch seems to be a one man gene pool all by himself. Yes, little Creed is growing, and Carlie you are amazing. Time does tend to heal all things, and the next go-round(?) should be a piece of cake. You were born to be a mom!
Love, yours....

Lacey said...

So, do I have to have another baby to have my friends come visit me? JK! Creed is a really cute babe! Regardless of the baby acne. I love the shot of the kids with Collin resting his head on Cam! He is such a cute kid! I have some great pictures of him from the 24th! I'll e-mail them to you ASAP!

Unknown said...

Carlie!!!! OMGosh! Look at you and your beautiful family! You all look so great! I'm so happy for you. I think about you from time to time and am so happy to see you doing so well! Hope to hear from you sometime. Julie is on my case a bunch about people and your upkeep with technology! I'm just trying to still keep my life from utter chaos! :)

Unknown said...

ugh, sorry Carlie, s stands for Salina :) forgot to sign it, see chaos always!!