I know that the last post was about Collin and the funny things that he does, but he keeps doing them, so we needed another post to try to keep up with him.
First a picture that he drew of me. Now I know what you are thinking. What wonderful arms...., or ears...., or whatever is sticking out the side of my head. Now what is that below my head between my legs. What a nice, big........
Next was dinner tonight. We finally convinced Madeline to try a tomato. Once she tried it, she proudly proclaimed that tomatos were her favorite vegtable. Of course Collin wants to be like his sister, so he tried one. It was so funny that we had to convince him to eat another so we could record it. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
If you can't hear what he says last, it was "I think it was a barf!"
I am sure that he will pull something off again and we will have to do another "Collin did something funny" post soon. Who knows, maybe one of our other kids will decide to be as funny as Collin and we can post about them instead.
This is Brian. I laughed pretty hard when I watched this. Gotta love kids. Regarding the picture. Mitch, you and I go way back, and no way would I have confused that with anything but your chin. :)
This really is Toni, and I was laughing too! I can't wait for more funny Collin posts
nice drawing collin very artistic.
ps-carlie, i tagged you on my blog.
Well, I knew it was bound to happen with the tomotoes and all--yep, all it takes is one bite and you're hooked. We loved the pictures. Keep sending them. (And tell me how to print them off on my computer so I have some. We love the McClellans!
Mom & Dad
Hey Carlie,
This is Tama. I love your new family picture! My blog is tamas-tales.blogspot.com See ya later!
Hi Carlie & Mitch, I'm finally up to speed. I love the picture of you Mitch. I have a few of those myself. Laura (your favorite)
Oh my gosh, "I think it was barf..." Seriously, had me rolling. The picture is a classic too. Please keep that in the Collin scrapbook! :)
How did I miss this post by Mr. Mitch?? That Collin seems like a hoot, hey you have to have one in each family.
Adams Apple Mitch , its an Adams Apple.
Dude- i love that picture...ha ha ha!
Also- you all need to come over some time....we miss seeing you all!
Ahhhhh...LOVE YOUR NEW FAMILY PICTURE!!! Your hair looks really cute Carlie~
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