Today is Saturday... it's not often that I get my kids to help clean- I mean really clean- the house. So when Cameron volunteerd to clean the downstairs bathroom, I didn't hesitate! First off, he is a boy, and I didn't think boys/guys did that! Secondly, the fact that I didn't have to scream at him or bribe him to do such a task about made me faint! Not only did he willingly volunteer, but he was cheerful all the while cleaning it!
The tender moment that I will (at least I hope) remember always was when I was in the family room folding laundry- he didn't know I was in there- and I heard Cameron start singing while he was scrubbing the toilet. The song... I'm not sure the name of it, but the words are as follows:
I often go walking through meadows of clover,
And I gather armfuls of blossoms of (something, I can't remember)
I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over,
Dear mother these flowers remind me of you.
Sniff... sniff... isn't he sweet!! My little boy is growing up and he loves me! I won't think too deeply about the fact that he was singing that as he was scrubbing a toilet! I'll just take it for what it sounded like... an angelic little voice telling me he loved me!