Friday, July 17, 2009

Kids will be kids

So we have been trying to make some normalcy of our lives, and the best way to not constantly be grieving is to keep busy. Being outdoor really helps me, so I thought I'd start taking my kids to the park just down the road from our house. You know, get some fresh air and enjoy the summer weather, kids get free lunches, and their favorite part of the whole thing... catching frogs in the mosqito infested swamp/pond.
Here is there final work... I personally think it's disgusting, but even the girls seemed to love it! EEEEWWWW!
The many, many frogs all the kids caught... we only took 4 home, which somehow escaped (thanks Mitch)

Cameron, Collin, Madeline, Emily, Maggie, and Lilli

Creed not quite sure what to think about it all.
Aren't kids disgusting?! But if it makes them happy, then it's all good!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mia Catherine McClellan

This is probably the hardest post I have ever had to do...

It is with great sadness and extremely heavy hearts that we announce that Mia Catherine McClellan was stillborn to us this morning. Words can not express the feelings that we are going through right now. She is a beautiful little girl with thick dark hair. We got to spend a few hours with her this morning. It was a very special time that we will cherish forever.

We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support that we have received.

Mitch & Carlie