They come to you and me, in our darkest hour, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give,
To guide us with the light of love." (Alabama)
There are so many Christmas songs on right now about angels... and I just can't help but cry each time I hear one! No matter the meaning of the song, just hearing the word "angel" makes me think of my beautifu little Mia. I miss her so much and I wonder if my heart will ever truly heal. I know there are worse things than what I have gone through, but that doesn't make me miss her any less or love her any less either. I feel so blessed to have our own angel to watch over our family!
My good friend Jaymie wrote this beautiful poem for her baby boy when he passed away just a few hours after being born... I switched some wording to make it for my little girl...( and yes, that is Mia's hand holding her daddy's)
An Angel In My Hand
Some people sing of angels
But I held one in my hand,
She was pure and clean and touched my life
As only an angel can
I longed to keep her here with me
And though I loved her so,
I knew she didn’t belong here on earth
So I let my angel go.
Sometimes when my heart is still
And when I miss her most,
I think about the time I had,
To hold my angel close.
And I know that God must love me
And I know how blessed I am,
To not just sing of angels
But to have held one in my hand.