Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I think I'll go private now

Okay everyone... a good friend of mine just pointed out that some whack-jobs left weird comments on my post about my little angel. Soooo... I think I need to go private- soon! That is just too wierd to me! But if you are on my blog page, I will invite you to it again- I just need your email addresses! Please get them to me asap, because I love to see your updates too!
This is a sad world anymore, an nothing is safe- especially stuff that is so personal!
I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!

P.S.. my cake blog is in the making... it justs takes me a while between me being computer illiterate and my computer just plain being slow!


Sarah Pittard said...


Lacey Green said...

Love ya, laceygreen4@gmail.com

Leisel said...

We've got two email's but use mine: leiselshupe at gmail dot com

Grandma Cathi said...

I love the cake, Car! I swear you should someday take up painting if you get sick of making cakes. You have a definite talent (and this will be one of the things your children remember about their birthdays--your darling, creative cakes. Love always,

Jenn J. said...

Me please! :) jenniferjenkins at gmail . com.