Friday, October 19, 2007

Osama Bin Collin strikes again!!!

Today I have experienced first hand why parents should never leave their 3 and 5 year old unattended... and also why Mitch nicknamed Collin- Osama Bin Collin- he's not terrible... he's a terrorist! But he's so dang cute that we just have to love hime to pieces!

I had just finished making the kids some lunch when I got a phone call from a friend. I told Collin and Madeline to eat their lunch and went downstairs to talk. I guess I had been down there for a while because Madeline came down and said "Mom, Collin is in the flour and he is mixing it with Sprite."

Use your colorful imagination for the words to insert here as I ran up the stairs to find Collin hiding behind the couch with the "oh crap, I am so dead" look, saying "sowwy mom, sowwy mom". I turned to the kitchen and this is what I found...

The entry way to the kitchen... covered in flour, and the walkway to the table...

The table covered in flour, spaghetti noodles and in the yellow cup is the flour and Sprite concoction. (I haven't dared try it yet... ha ha) And of course-- they always blame each other (and you can see who the greater of two evils is!)
As a mother, all I can do is sigh and laugh before I start to cry! I won't get sympathy from Mitch, he just laughed his head off when I called to tell him.... maybe I'll get some from you moms who have gone through this!? Well, gotta go get cleaning!


Amber said...

Ugh. You totally have my sympathy. Flour is the hardest thing to clean up. But it does look like they had fun. I would have made them help me. That is for sure. But maybe you are nicer than me. HE HE....

Jenn J. said...

Oh, I have SO been there. Right after we moved into our brand new house, my two and almost-four year old, got into the Nestle Quick chocolate milk powder and strung it across the kitchen and onto the family room floor. Then they decided that they should try cleaning it up so they poured water on it and helped it absorb into the carpet. It also made a good paste to wipe all over themselves, and use as war paint. :)
I feel your pain.
I hope it wasn't too hard to clean up and that you got everything back to normal. What a mess! It's a good thing that boy is so darn cute. :D

Natalie said...

Hey Carlie,
Jenn (Jenkins) and I were e-mailing and I checked out her blog and saw your blog. So I thought I would say HELLO. Your kids are so darn cute! E-mail me and we can catch up.
Natalie(Toombs) Thibodeau

Cynthia Johnson said...

love your blog!!! Such cute kids. here's my email address:

chalonn's blog link is on my blog :)