Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5 days to go!!

Wow... nine months has gone by so fast and slow at the same time. I can't believe I only have 5 days to go! I met the new doctor today who will be delivering our boy... she is very nice and young! She's either in her mid 30's or very early 40's. So the scheduled date is Monday June 23, but the time they are actually inducing me is probably around 11, although we are going in at 7 a.m. I have to be on antibiotics for 4 freaking hours before they can actually start me. She did say that I will most likely go quickly once they start me though. Let's hope! I am very done being pregnant! thanks to all who have supported me in this and we'll post again when the little man is here- no, we STILL haven't decided on a name yet. We'll let you know!


Lacey said...

haven't decided on a name? That's not what Collin told me. He said the baby's name is Cyden. I'm not sure how to spell that. Is that totally bogus info? Can't wait to meet him!

JANEAL said...

Almost there! How fun to have another boy. I can't wait to see pictures!

Natalie said...

Yeah for almost being done! I hope things go okay and the litlle guy makes a grand entrance.

Jenn J. said...

YAY! Four days now! That's so exciting. I can't wait to see the little guy!!

Grandma Cathi said...

Well, how's this for not calling on the phone two days in a row! I'm sure having trouble getting Charrrrrrlie McClellan out of my mind. Oh well--we named ours, you can name yours. I just heard one today that made me want to upchuck-- Traicyr. Isn't that stupid! Take care.
Love, Mom

casa chandler said...

jealous. that's all i can say at this point. just jealous.
best of luck!