Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Good News/ Bad news...

So I had my 36 week checkup today. Here's what I found out:
Good news- my doctor says she will induce me a week early because of my fast labors, so we are scheduled for June 23 (not bad for an original due date of July 7, which then got moved to June 28). She says I'm not doing too bad for my weight gain- 20 lbs. And last, I only have 20 days to go!!!
Not so good news: She also told me that after 8 months of seeing only her, she will not be in town to deliver my baby! She's going on a cruise. So I get to meet the doctor who will be on call, a week before I am due! Talk about frustrating!
But I think as long as someone besided Mitch is there to catch my baby I will be fine... not that I don't trust him, I just know that he is a CPA for a reason!
Well, let the countdown begin! Wish us luck!


Heather said...

Hey sorry your doctor is going to be out of town. I know that would put me into a state of depression. I love my doctor. He delivered my first two. Good luck and hang in there.

Cherie Nelson said...

Hey Carlie! Hang on for a few more weeks! Not too much longer!

With my oldest, my doctor was out-of-town for the delivery. I actually ended up liking the doctor on call even better though, so it all worked out! LOL They aren't there very long anyway, when you don't have complications!

Natalie said...

Those last few weeks are so HARD!! I am so sorry that your doctor will be gone...grr. That is crappy. I was so blessed with an AWESOME Dr. with Lily. He and Quinn are good friends so he actually told Quinn he could deliever Lily and Dr. Leavitt just walked him through it. Cool hugh?
Good luck.
ps...maybe I will be bold and come to Boise and visit you for a weekend??? What do ya think?

casa chandler said...

only 20 days left, huh? show off! i'm just jealous...especially because i look and feel like i've been pregnant for 20 months already.
and, you know, it could be worse. you could have never met the doctor who'll be there. that's what happened when kate was born.
you'll be just fine. and...i'm still jealous.

Amber said...

Aw...that stinks that your doctor isn't going to be there for your delivery. But that's awesome that you get to have your little guy early. I'm all for early babies. I hope everything goes well for you. What are you naming him?
And congrats on only gaining 20 pounds. I gained 28 this time around and thought I was doing good. You beat me. HA....

Miranda said...

I feel for you! I will be thinking of you! I would totally love to take some pictures of him when he comes. You said you would be coming when he is 6 weeks? The best newborn shots are in the first 2 weeks, so I don't know if that is even a possibility? I understand if that will be to much! We can always try if you do come for his hand impression, just don't hate me if they don't turn out as well! Good Luck!

Lacey said...

i am so happy that you are almost done~ that last month sucks big time!! Too bad about your doc, "I" hate that!!!!

Jenn J. said...

Tell your doctor that she's not allowed to go on any cruises until your baby gets here!... end of story. Show her who's boss, Carlie! Oh well, either way, I'm glad that cute little guy is going to make his appearance soon. Can't wait to meet him! :)

Grandma Cathi said...

You hop from hospital to hospital and doctor to doctor. This one will be no different, and you will do splendidly! And as long as little "C" looks like Grandma "C" he will be a total charmer. Humble too. See you later, Beautiful Carlie.

Amber said...

To answer your questions:
Everyone tells us that Brandon is looking more and more like Paul. Paul says it's cuz Brandon's getting chubbier like his daddy. HA HA.... But he does favor Paul, definitely.
I'm handling three kids pretty well I think. I'm nicer if I get better sleep, and Brandon is finally getting to where he is usually only waking up once a night, which is SO nice. I'm finding it very difficult to run errands though. Ashlyn starts summer camp tomorrow and will go twice a week, so that will give me time to run errands with just two.
Good luck. I seriously cannot imagine having FOUR kids right now. I can't wait to see pictures though!

Katie said...

You are in my prayers Car! Check out my blog to see the song I wrote!


JANEAL said...

Hey Carlie!! I found your blog from Miranda's. I can't believe you're going to be a mother of 4 very soon. I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Mine is www.tysonandjaneal.blogspot.com