Ever since Cam and Madeline started school this year, Collin has become more aware that he needs to step up to be the big brother to Creed. He is such a great little helper! He gives Creed his binky when he starts to fuss, or in this case, he thought placing a lei around his head would surely do the trick, and then if that doesn't work, then Collin sings his special song to him... here it is- very creative for an almost 4 year old I'd say!
And here are some pictures of my little vampires (again the red eyes... I really stink at photography!) on their first day of school.
The kids really like school so far, Cam still reads when he's not supposed to, but we're working on that, and we just found out from Madeline's teacher that she was holding hands with a boy at recess... we are going to be in so much trouble with her I can just tell!
Collin's song is so cute! I'll be Creed just loves him. So Madeline is really into boys already huh?! That's okay, I took Carter to Artic circle and he was holding hands with some little girl that was there playing on the toy.
Cute song Collin!! i am very impressed! The vampire eyes can be fixed really easy. I'll call you!
Cute song Collin!! i am very impressed! The vampire eyes can be fixed really easy. I'll call you!
Already holding hands! I would freak, I was so not that little girl, I think I am in trouble! Good luck with that :)
Ahhh, Collin has a great voice. Those are the moments that make being a mom so worth it. Now onto Madeline and boys...ha ha! She is normal for sure~ at least she doesn't tell you that she thinks the boys are "HOT" Annie is 6 and sais that to me and I freak! I should have never let her watch H.S. Musical....ahhhhh! Oh well!
I've heard the stores, but the pictures are worth a million dollars to me...can't get enough of them. Tell everyone Grandma Cathi loves them. (Including mom and dad)
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