Tuesday, February 3, 2009


September 12, 2009


Amber said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! Good luck girl! If anyone can do it, you can! WOW. I'm in shock.

Amber said...

Ok, I was too hasty in my "publish" of that last comment. I forgot to say congratulations! and I hope it's a girl.

Heather said...

holy smokes. I am glad its you and not me!! Hopefully Creed is sleeping through the night so at least you can get some rest. I noticed a Sept. date on the ultrasound. So you are due in May? Oh and do you need another "C" name. You already have Cameron and Creed, Callan would fit in nicely! :)

Carlie said...

No, I just got the ultrasound taken... 8 weeks is how far I am so I am due in Sept.- And for all of you who are wondering... we did EVERYTHING in our power to prevent this- sometimes, the Lord does things his way and we have to grin and bear it!

Cherie Nelson said...

Wow! Guess you are just too good of a mom the Heavenly Father wants you to have a BUNCH! lol


Toni said...

First of all congratulations, second, I have to admit that I laughed out loud when I read your title and post, third I thought ah, poor, lucky girl. So shocking and stressful, but awesome!!!! Good Luck!

Groff Family said...

Wow!! Congrats! Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? That's very exciting.

Rob said...

If you were really doing EVERYTHING, you would have been sleeping in separate beds...or you would have a restraining order on Mitch...

But I digress! Congrats! Don't stress! You're the greatest!

Love, Jenn & Rob

Jenn J. said...

2. I'm seriously giggling at the title and simplicity of this awesome post. No words necessary. Seriously... I can't stop laughing.
3. I must have details. I'm always one for a good whoops story. I will be calling.
4. You're a great mom and I have NO doubt, you'll be a great mom, again!

JANEAL said...

Congrats!! You are one fertile mertile....you know I'm just jealous! You are a great mom and I'm sure you can handle it.

Carlie said...

Ha Ha, Janeal- that's funny you should call me "fertile mertile", ever since we found out, I've been calling Mitch "Superman" and he's been calling me "Mertile"! You couldn't be more correct!

Leisel said...

Yay!!! I love new babies! Lets hope for a Sept 13th baby! I gotta tell my mom! She'll just die!!

casa chandler said...

yeah for being official! congratulations and i think you guys will do just great with everything. i'm excited, as i'm sure you are, to find out the "brand." but i'm sure you don't want 20 weeks to come TOO soon!

Anonymous said...

Hoorah! Pay back Mitchell!!! I knew it would happen someday. I'm thrilled. I beg pardon of Leisel, birthday must be 6th of September.

Natalie said...

The question is how do you feel about this? I am sure you will be a pro!! I won't lie though, I can't imagine 5 kids, but some people are sooooo good at it.

Carlie said...

Let's see... how do I feel? Scared, not ready, overwhelmed already, insecure... I think that about sums it up-
Thanks for everyone's faith in me that I am a good mom and can handle this... I hope you are right!

Tama said...

WOW! Congrats! We'll talk soon!

Anonymous said...

Everybody on here that says that you are a wonderful woman and mother ARE right. I see it first hand every day! And you grow the cutest dang kids. Can't wait to see this next one!

Lacey said...

Whoa-sister!!!! I will be here for you every step of the way....Every time you need someone to get the rest of your kids out of your tired, grumpy, hormonal hair, CALL ME!!! I love you! I know ALL about the "Whoops!" We experienced that 1st hand too! Come what may and ENJOY IT!!! Congrats sweety!

Miranda said...

Wowser Carlie how old is creed? I love Mitch's comment to you what a sweetie! You will do awesome and I to got the biggest kick out of the post I can already tell it's another beautiful kid!

Lauralee Brewerton said...

Let's pray for after the reunion, cause we are planning a GREAT one, and it wouldn't be the same with out you

Grandma Cathi said...

You know I couldn't be happier Carlie girl. And since you have boys with the letter C and girls with M I vote Myrtle (please note the spelling--which is the correct way to write it). J/K 'Don't like Myrtle much but maybe you can have a contest on your blog for the best M name. No doubt in my mind this little one's a girl! Mom

Jessica said...

Oh wow. This is too funny. 14months apart??????? Ahhhh. Well, you can do it. I want to take pictures!

Jessica said...

p.s. I hope it's a little girls for Madeline...

Unknown said...

Madeline gets a second shot at a sister eh??