Well folks, it's official... I am the worlds worst blogger! I can't tell you the number of times I have just wanted to delete this dumb thing... Facebook too for that matter! Then I realize how much I love it when I see everyone else's blogs that they update regularly (Jen, you get first prize!) so it makes me want to stick with it... no matter how pathetic I am at only blogging every 6 months or so. We had some way fun things going on this past summer and into fall. It's gonna take a couple of posts I think to catch up, but I'll give it a shot.
Summer 2010:
Mitch took a week off over the 4th of July and we headed to Eastern Idaho. We went to Island Park and visited Mitch's sweet grandma at her cabin. The kids had lots of fun with the paddle boat and we found out our golden retreiver Sunny LOVES water!!!
We then headed back to IF to visit our angels grave. We miss her more than words will ever tell! I don't feel like the hole in my heart will ever heal and I doubt there will ever be a day when I don't think about my little Mia!

We had a lot of fun over the 4th, but alas, no pictures. sorry!

We had a lot of fun over the 4th, but alas, no pictures. sorry!
The Stanger Family Reunion was scheduled for the beginning of August, so off to Bear Lake we go: we stayed in an amazing cabin that my parents rented for all the gang. I should have taken pictures, it was so gorgeous! The cabin was on the hill over looking the crystal blue lake! We spent about 4 days there and the kids loved it... rain and all! I didn't get pics of Cam because he was too far out in the water with his cousins the whole time, and I don't know where Collin was each time I had the camera either (at least he wasn't under the water!) So here is Creed- not liking the chilli water at first, but soon realizing that everyone was getting in, so his fear quickly subsided!

Luckily the water was shallow for quite a ways out there, but we never let him get too deep!
This year school started early for our kids. Collin is a Kindergartener this year and was so excited to have all his own stuff- I know I have a better picture of him, I just can't seem to find it right now. He loves his dinosaur backpack!
We headed to Lava Hot Springs in Sept. for Mitch's Lewis Family Reunion. Had a good time, no pics, surprise, surprise!
I had been blessed to be able to get some cake jobs this month. Not that I need a job, but extra money now and then is always nice!
My first official "cupcake" wedding cake... but so much fun, it definitely won't be my last! I loved her colors on this- tourquoise, black and white. Each cupcake was swirled with white buttercream icing, sprinkled with tourquoise edible beads, and topped with handmade chocolate hearts... whew!

Her husband is quite a gamer, and his favorite is Galaga... Mitch and I came up with this design and they loved it! Each piece is hand-made and extremely breakable!!!
This cake I did for my best friends cousin. It is very simple, but it's what she wanted- they said they ate every last bite and told me it was fabulous too! Yay!
That's all for now folks! Coming up... October brings all sorts of entertainment like our cruise on the Oasis of the Seas, and then we'll see if I took any pics for Halloween- probably not, but I can check!
Thanks for reading!